
Head of Bappenas: Contribution Diaspora Indonesia

Monday, 19 April 2021, the Minister of National Development Planning received an audience from PT Melchor Tiara Pratama to discuss the significance of the utilization of the diaspora which is summarized as follows.

Diaspora science is a strategic resource in increasing the capacity of science and technology and innovation in Indonesia as well as supporting the welfare of the nation so it is important to manage these resources through the directory of Indonesian scientists.

Diaspora scientists can contribute by returning to Indonesia through their role in increasing the development of science and technology in universities and R & D institutions and implementing research results into innovative products through STP, Techno Park, and business incubation.

Diaspora scientists can still take part in the development of science and technology and innovation in Indonesia by working from abroad, through involvement in research activities, creating innovations to meet the needs of domestic industry, improving the quality of higher education, and increasing the impact of research on Indonesia’s welfare.

Based on the Policy Brief on Science and Technology and Innovation Management of LIPI, in 2020 about the reasons for the diaspora to work abroad, 5 reasons are given to diaspora scientists, namely: pursuing dreams of working abroad, getting the opportunity to work abroad, promising income and better than Indonesia, a more secure life abroad and facilities that support scientific work.

It was found that the facilities that support the work of scientists were the biggest reason for them choosing careers abroad, followed by reasons of opportunity and life insurance.

Therefore there needs to be a policy to attract diaspora in order to contribute in the country, namely with the support of research or laboratory facilities, as well as life insurance or equalization of experience with ranks / groups.


Pewarta : Yahman Efendi

Monday, April 19th, 2021
*Public Communications Team*
Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas


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