Berita TerkiniEkonomi & BisnisNasionalPemerintahan

Head of Bappenas: Climate Change Affects the Economy, Jakarta – The Minister for National Development Planning said that climate change does not only affect environmental and ecosystem damage, but also affects economic conditions and people’s lives, especially in 4 sectors. Namely marine and coastal, water, agriculture and health.

This was said when he delivered his keynote speech at a Climate Resilient Development Policy Document Launch event held by Bappenas on Thursday, April 1, 2021, virtually.

“We both feel the impact of climate change that has been evident throughout the earth, including Indonesia, in various forms, temperature increases, changes in rainfall, extreme weather, which is sometimes unpredictable and changes instantly, and of course the impact on increasing frequency and intensity. meteorological hydro disasters, drought landslides and flood abrasion, ”said the Minister of National Development Planning.

The minister explained, based on the results of the climate projection study, there was a possibility of additional daily rainfall with high potential and threatening landslides and floods in areas with high vulnerability. These areas need to anticipate the potential for hydrometeorological disasters through convergence of climate resilience and disaster risk reduction.

In the marine and coastal sectors, along the 1800 km of coastline are categorized as very vulnerable and at high risk of coastal or tidal flooding, climate change in the agricultural sector threatens to reduce food production, especially in central areas, in the health sector, the incidence of vector-based diseases such as dengue fever, malaria and pneumonia are likely to increase.

As a response to various threats to Indonesia, the government through Bappenas has determined that handling climate change and disasters is one of the priorities and has even become mainstream in the preparation of the RPJMN.

“Bappenas acts as a clearing house that ensures the benefits of development programs can be felt by the community through synchronization of development management and control planning. Ministries and related institutions as climate security program implementers are expected to collaborate with each other in compiling and implementing actions to increase climate resilience in priority locations and in sectors which of course can adapt to each other’s duties and functions, “said the Minister.

At the regional level Internalizing climate-resilient development policies needs to be a priority at the provincial and district levels, so that they can be in line with sustainable development.

The Minister emphasized that non-governmental organizations are an inseparable entity in the implementation of climate resilience development, programs and activities of NGOs, academics and the private sector play an important role in overcoming vulnerability and increasing community capacity.


Thursday, April, 1st 2021
*Public Communications Team*
Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas


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